42 Web Development Terms Everyone Should Know

The following development glossary was created to serve as a guide to define some of the some common vocabulary that you may hear while working with the city and other partners on your project. In addition, a brief list of city departments, committees and commissions has been included to help identify where certain proposals may go for review and approval. Finally, a list of a few of the common acronyms you may encounter when working on your project are at the end of the page. A specific geographic location or demographic that groups potential customers into a similar classification. Oversight for the alignment of business development processes and procedures with the strategic goals of the business.

The Office of Management and Budget has designated EDA as the lead integrator of federal economic development resources. Business development is still relatively new to the workforce and it continues to evolve over time. Before diving into these BD-related terms, let’s define what business development actually is. We will continually update http://cd-b.ru/ogan_izvinilsya_pered_putinym_za_sbityj_ross.htm this list as more terms become relevant throughout the industry. We’ve broken the terms up into two relevant categories below, basic BD terms and sales-related BD terms, to make it easier to digest and find what you’re looking for. Indigenous Communities
Ethnic groups descended from the first known inhabitants of a geographic area.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A written guide to execute business development strategies off of milestones to meet in order to hit a final objective, similar to a roadmap. Contacting leads in an effort to spark an interest in your product or service, or in a specific partnership. A relationship between two businesses or organizations that help boost overall growth for each party.

development glossary

API stands for “Application Program Interface.” This is how computers and applications can communicate with one another. Get the most relevant, actionable digital sales and marketing insights you need to make smarter decisions faster… Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA, ARP Act)
A $1.9 trillion economic stimulus program enacted by the U.S. The EDA was charged with administering $3 billion of the ARP Act. Learn what a nascent partner ecosystem looks like, how to deal with them, and where to find the leads that will guide you to value and revenue.

Key design terms

Strategic business development is much more about coming up with plans and processes to grow revenue instead of looking for ways to find new outside partnerships. IDEs provide a centralized user interface for code writing and testing, so programmers can make quick changes, recompile programs and run them again. Of course, programming is not an easy job, and IDE software helps streamline development processes.

  • Responsive design is a website that should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size.
  • A wireframe is a rough page layout or blueprint of your website.
  • A software or tool that helps businesses track and manage its sales pipeline, each individual prospect, and other activities throughout the sales cycle.
  • Sustainable Development
    An approach in economic development which posits that economic vitality, environmental and climate resilience, and quality of life are closely linked through the global ecosystem.
  • The frontend developer, as a rule, takes this design and builds it into something functional using the frontend languages.

High-fidelity prototypes include text, color, and other content, taking the form of a fully functioning website or app. High-fidelity prototypes usually appear in the later stages of the design process. Minimum Viable Product is a development technique with which a new product has sufficient functionality to satisfy early adopters. The final set of features is only designed and developed after receiving feedback from first users.

Community Events

UX can apply to any kind of product, service, or experience – a website, a coffee machine, or a visit to the shopping center. UX design means “user experience design”, where “user experience” part applies to user-product interaction, and “design” part considers all other elements connected to this experience. Scrum Master is responsible for establishing the true scrum process over the project lifetime, facilitating it for the organization, product owner, and the team. Scrum masters are all about the process, they are not involved in decision-making. For most companies that don’t have their own in-house development team (building the dream team may take up some time), outsourcing or outstaffing are a viable and reliable way to get the job done.

development glossary

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